
20/20 vision

Five years ago I had laser surgery on my eyes. I can't tell you how exciting it was to wake up in the morning and be able to see before I even got out of bed. Having worn glasses and contacts for nearly twenty-five years, I found a new found freedom in sight. I can't help but think about the blind man that Jesus healed. How exciting, yet shocking those first few moments of vision must have been. When darkness became light, when shadows became objects, when colors and shapes took on new forms. Jesus talked many times about the issue of sightedness. He called the Pharisees "blind guides." He told them that because they claimed to see, but chose not to, their sin would remain. I love when Jesus repeated says "to those who have eyes, see, and to those who have ears, hear." Sight is a gift. But true vision must be trained. That is what Jesus meant when He said, "You have eyes, yet still do not see" Mark 8:18 What if each of us could take training to see into the human heart? What if we could view situations before us with the eyes of God. When have you not seen a situation clearly, and later found out how blind you were? What are we doing now to correct our vision? What situation do you wish you could see more clearly? In Eph it says "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you..." Dear Lord, I look at the world through a dark and dim vision. I see only in one or two dimensions. My perceptions are limited at best, and filtered through prejudices. Open my eyes. Open my heart. Open my mind. Give me Your eyes that truly see.

1 comment:

  1. That is cry of my heart! To see others as the Lord sees them and to see Him in all His glory!! Open my eyes, Lord, and my ears and my heart that I may know You and serve You fully!!!!!
