
Sounds of Silence

Girls, Girls, Where are you? This doesn't have to be a big deal, it is just sharing a little tidbit that is on your heart mid week. Its about staying connected. Its about being authentic, its about being real. We need to be quiet and alone to be able to hear and respond to God during the noise of our busy days. I was thinking how little Sam positioned himself to hear from God. What does that look like today for us? Gen 24:63 says that Isaac went out to a field one evening to meditate, Joshua says "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night", Psalms says Oh God, we mediate on your unfailing love...I will meditate on all your mighty deeds. What does that look like? Focus our minds on what is true. Let these thoughts roll around in our minds, use our God-given imaginations to picture what God is saying. Lets listen more deeply to His truth. Lets position our imaginations to spiritually see and picture God's reality. Lets tune in our thoughts to listen through the silence. Lets experience what is true about who God is and what is true about what He thinks about us. Instead of waking up and just getting sucked up into the whirlwind of life, lets take a few minutes to pray and listen. Lets start by simply letting our first thoughts when we wake up to be directed to God. And then write it down, who knows what kind of encouragement to others you will be through out the week. I know I need to be encouraged, do you? Stay connected my friends, I long to hear whats on your heart. kim

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